Garden Coaching

Save time, money and anxiety! We can help you reach your green aspirations and enjoy gardening for life!


We offer coaching services to the do-it-yourself home owner. We will work with you one-on-one in your garden, guiding and teaching you seasonally appropriate skills and techniques.  A garden coach is like hiring a personal trainer for your gardening. We will show you how to make improvements and maintain your garden, to assess the needs of your landscape and show you how to put it into top shape. During the coaching session, you can bring out specific gardening questions and challenges.

Some useful topics to choose from:


  • How to rejuvenate the landscape
  • How to use the outdoor space more efficiently
  • Identifying plants and how to take care of them
  • Pruning (shrubs, small trees, perennials, ornamental grasses)
  • Plant combinations for the type of soil and location

Helena has the gift of enabling others. Coupled with a vast knowledge of many plant varieties and a refined sense of esthetic, she wove a pleasing tapestry of beds and pathways integrating aspects of color, form and texture as they change throughout the seasons. While doing all of this she incorporated my wishes and needs with her questions and interest in the project. She knows what works and can put you on the road to creating a garden you will love

Miriam C. – Estacada, Oregon